Tagged: shakes


Dear Planet Earth,

I had to get away from the house — every house, really. They’re nothing but constant reminders of normal, domestic lives filled with schools, jobs, and families. They’re a stark realization that I may never again have what I never really wanted.

I walked down to the Strip again to see if there was anything new. It’s strange to think a place that once  symbolized every sinful, unrestrained impulse of America has now become my source for world news. I met a guy who said he was coming from Missouri with his family to escape the earthquakes they were having there. The last words he heard from his radio said that similar quakes were occurring all along the East Coast and that FEMA was starting evacuation measures. I don’t know if I really believe his story — or if I want to believe his story.

I heard other people too, with less reliable information. One girl swore she saw a swarm of UFOs in the sky the night before the tremors started. Another man claimed he saw a news report about the Russians starting a controversial military exercise before every TV channel went off the air.

Before I left, I stopped by the New York-New York again, which undoubtedly got hit the hardest during the shakes. It was still insanely dusty, but I was relieved to see that a little bit of order had been restored. Two weeks ago, I would have been suspicious seeing a cop walking around and asking if everyone was all right, but today it really brought me a sense of peace. For a second, I started to think that everything just might be okay as long as we stick together and help our fellow man. I snapped this:

And it just took a second.

The Shakes

Dear Planet Earth,

It’s been about a week since the non-stop shaking began. These used to be called “earthquakes,” but this word no longer has meaning to me. This normal word from this normal language implied that there were a set of immutable guidelines that had to be followed by nature or God. These are “shakes” — constant, unyielding movements that slowly rock us back and forth out of our once comfortable reality.

The biggest fear comes from the isolation, from not knowing what the hell is going on out there in the world. Or if there is a world left. A couple of sites have popped back online, but none of them have any useful information.